31-32 Ranelagh Avenue, London SW13 0BN
Tel: +44(0)2088762199
31-32 Ranelagh Avenue, London SW13 0BN, UK +44 (0)20 8876 2199 office@shenehomhousing.org.uk
We continually strive for excellence and continuous improvement and staff are very skilled to support people with their goals and aspirations. We care, really care about the people who live here. We know it's the positive relationships we have with people that fuel the success, both on an individual and organisational level.
We aim to support people in a personalised way and help maximise potential and wellbeing. We aim to be an outstanding home. Our Quality Assurance is very thorough to aid with this aim.
Shenehom was established in 1982 by volunteer parents living in the Barnes area who had children with mental health problems. Since then, Shenehom has made a significant contribution to the lives and well-being of many adults with mental health problems.
The Board of Management of Shenehom Housing Association Ltd is responsible for the strategic management of the society. Board Members receive no remuneration for their work at the society. The Board and its Committees meet about six times a year; Board members additionally each carry out the monthly inspection of the home on a rota basis about once per year
The Board carries a collective responsibility for the good conduct of Shenehom. It currently has two principal committees: Staff and Residents; and Finance, which operate to agreed terms of reference and report to the Board. A Premises Committee is proposed to oversee the condition of the house and the evolving relationship with the lease and the freeholder.
The Current Board Membership
David Miles - Deputy Chair of Shenehom – Currently Acting Chair
Retired Academic
David spent most of his professional career at Kingston University: formerly Pro Vice-Chancellor for External Affairs, Dean of the Faculty of Business & Law, Professor of Business Education.
David has held a number of directorships in charitable organisations since retiring from Kingston: Chair of the Council for Education in World Citizenship (since merged with Citizenship Foundation); Chair of the Institute of Direct Marketing; Chair of the UK Work Organisation Network; Chair of Fusion Arts; Trustee of Kingston University Students Union. In earlier times he was active in local government: Councillor in the City of Westminster 1974 – 82; Member of the Education Committee of the Inner London Education Authority 1976 – 81; Chair of two large Inner London comprehensive schools 1972 -1982 - Quintin Kynaston School and North Westminster School; Labour Candidate in 1979 General Election – Harrow East.
Professor Robin Jarvis – Treasurer, Shenehom Housing Association Ltd
Professor of Accounting & Finance, at Brunel University
Robin is a well-established researcher and practitioner in the field of Accountancy & Finance with a particular interest in Small Enterprises. He is Professor of Accounting at Brunel University. He has been awarded the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the advancement of accounting and finance in the academic community. Robin was a member of the International Accounting Standards Board’s (IASB) group in developing IFRS for SMEs followed by membership of the IASB’s SME Implementation Group. For 11 years, in the European context, he was a member of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group’s (EFRAG) Supervisory Board and Research and Policy Committee. Currently, he is the Special Adviser to the European Federation of Accountants and Auditors (EFAA).
Robin is also actively engaged in a number of other charitable concerns including: Director of the Registry Trust Ltd, where he chairs the Audit and Risk Management Committee; A board member of the Genesis Initiative; An associate of the Financial Inclusion Centre; Secretary and Treasurer of Z2K a charity supporting people facing poverty and homelessness.
Robin is a qualified accountant with long practical experience in the preparation, scrutiny, and audit of accounts.
Hans Mallalieu - Chair of the Staff and Residents Committee
Company Director
Hans started his career in banking and has over thirty years experience in financial management, operations management and human resource management roles. He also brings knowledge gained from his volunteer work with NGOs and charitable organisations in the Caribbean and in the UK. He is now a co-owner of a medical practice operating in Central London. He has been part of the Barnes community since 2019, during which time he has been an active member of the St Osmund’s church, has served on the PTFA of the St Osmund’s Catholic Primary School, and has volunteered through the Alzheimer’s Society with FISH.
Michael Dix
Retired Chartered Surveyor
A Fellow of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors with a lifetime career based in the City and West End of London in both banking and private practices including Gerald Eve & Co.,Richard Ellis, Cluttons and Morgan Grenfell, specialising in the valuation, investment and development of commercial property
Guy Gantley - Secretary to Shenehom Housing Association
Retired Civil Servant
Guy spent seven years doing economic forecasting in HM Treasury and at Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, three years working at Embassies in Saudi Arabia and Iran, and thirty years as an economist/Middle East specialist in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Guy brings his long personal experience of care issues to the management of Shenehom. He is married, with one surviving son and two granddaughters, and lives in Richmond.
Guy is the guardian of Shenehom constitutional arrangements and the meticulous recorder of our debates and conclusions.
Graham Lust
Semi-Retired Property Lawyer
Graham spent over 40 years as a real estate partner in a leading London law firm, and continues to work part-time as a consultant. He has substantial experience of
social housing management issues and as a company director focused on regeneration and development. He has acted as a trustee for several charities and is currently a trustee of the Wimbledon Synagogue, with specific responsibility for the management of the premises.
Robin Martin - Former Chair of the Shenehom Board: 2009 - 2019
Retired Civil Servant
Robin Martin is a retired Whitehall Civil Servant and ex-Director of a health insurance Friendly Society. Robin as a long-serving member of the board, contributes a unique perspective on our history and practises. He knows and advises the Board on: What has worked before and what has not; What Shenehom was established to achieve and what remains to be done. Perhaps better than any other member of the Board he knows our residents and is known by them.
Councillor Marjory Millum
Ward Councillor – Richmond Borough Council
Councillor Millum sits as one of the local councillors for the ward in Barnes where Shenehom is located. She was nominated to the Shenehom Board by Richmond Borough Council.
Marjory Millum qualified and practised as a Solicitor in Scotland, more lately working in a senior administrative capacity at Robert Gordon University, where she also attained a Masters’ Degree in Law. Since retiring and moving to Richmond she has played a very active role in the life of our community, notably becoming a Trustee of the Barnes Fund. She has promoted a major improvement in the mutual understanding and level of cooperation between Shenehom and Richmond Borough Council.
David Rowley
Retired Solicitor
David Rowley is a longstanding member of the Shenehom Board, until recently the Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee. He is a retired Property Lawyer and for 25 years Joint Managing Director of Nurdin & Peacock PLC prior to its acquisition by Brooker Group PLC. David, in addition to his active knowledgeable participation in our current debates, contributes a compendious knowledge of what Shenehom was established to achieve and the history of its actions.
Carlene Thomas
Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner
Carlene Thomas brings to the Board her experience of over thirty years as a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner. Her current professional role is managing a team of Housing Inspection Officers to inspect and improve conditions in bed & breakfast and Studio Accommodation occupied by vulnerable people on behalf of 31 London Authorities. She knows what our responsibilities are as the managers of our premises; She also knows what constitutes good and bad provision; She contributes friendly, practical, and candid advice on what we do.
Shenehom Housing Association © 2013 | All Rights Reserved