31-32 Ranelagh Avenue, London SW13 0BN
Tel: +44(0)2088762199


31-32 Ranelagh Avenue, London SW13 0BN, UK          +44 (0)20 8876 2199          office@shenehomhousing.org.uk

  • Our help is diverse; we can support people to get back into their own accommodation or work towards other meaningful goals if this is out of reach at present. 

  • The home is divided into an 11 bedded main home and a 2 bedded semi-independent unit (SIU). 

  • Every person will have a care plan that they draw up with their key worker. This is outcome focused and looks at goals to maintain and goals for change.


  • Reviews of the placement will take place every six months, to ensure that positive change is taking place.

  • The home has a very pleasant atmosphere and clients enjoy the activities and holidays the home offers too. Many groups take place in the home, all requested by the people who live here. There is a focus on community living too.

  • We embrace wellbeing - helping people to stay well, physically, mentally and emotionally.

  • To download the residents' handbook click here.​

Our Services