31-32 Ranelagh Avenue, London SW13 0BN
Tel: +44(0)2088762199


31-32 Ranelagh Avenue, London SW13 0BN, UK          +44 (0)20 8876 2199          office@shenehomhousing.org.uk


Shenehom is situated in the village of Barnes. The project supports people with mental health problems who have medium to high needs. People make good progress and achieve positive outcomes. The home works under a recovery framework and believes that every person has the right to citizenship, with wellbeing, user led direction and personalisation at the heart of what we do. 

Our Services

Shenehom, a registered care home, provides accomodation and support for 13 residents. We have 11 bedrooms in the main home and 2 bedrooms in a semi independent unit.